Saturday, August 30, 2008

Having both babies home as been wonderful. We are still trying to get use to our new sleep schedule or should I say lack of sleep schedule. The babies are on a 3 hour feed cycle. However, by the time you change them and feed them an hour has already passed. So it is more like every two hours. Chuck and I take turns getting up so that we can get a few hours more of sleep. This seems to be working ok for us.

Savannah's monitor has been going off quite a bit the last few days, but we can't really tell if it is sleep apnea or a lead problem. Other than that, they are both doing very well.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

On the way to Savannah's eye appointment we had to stop by Morristown Memorial for them to evaluate some frequent activity on her Apnea monitor. Thankfully they all turned out to be false alarms. Then we received even more good news from the Eye Dr. who informed us that her mild ROP is starting to regress. Her next eye appt. won't be for a few more months.

CJ is also doing very well.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

We are still getting use to having two little ones at home. Great Aunt Sue has been with us since the babies came home from the hospital, but unfortunately she has to leave tomorrow. We have been very lucky to have her with us, but now Chuck and I will have to get into some type of routine. The nights wouldn't be so bad if Savannah's monitor stopped going off every few minutes. Thankfully it is not going off because she stops breathing, but for her leads coming off when she wiggles in the crib. Chuck is in the process of sticking the leads on himself with medical tape to see if it will hurt her when the tape needs to come off. ( this is our solution for getting the leads to stick) It is actually a really funny visual with the leads on Chuck with a lot of tape. We are realllly hoping this works. Both the babies are doing very well and seemed to have adjusted to their new environment. They are both on the same 3 hour schedule for feedings.

Savannah has a eye appt. on Tuesday and we are hoping that the ROP has not progressed.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Since everyone is wondering how we did last night with both babies being home I thought I would put up a quick update. Thankfully Aunt Sue was here to help out with the feedings and for the most part we are all rested.

Savannah's monitor went off about 7 times last night, most were attributed to the lead placement. There were a few that we are not sure about, but didn't seem to be Apnea. I think the monitor probably woke up our neighbors because it is sooo loud. I guess CJ is use to all the beeping/loud noises at the NICU because it didn't seem to bother him.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

We have been waiting 4 1/2 months for the day that we would have both babies at home. Thank God, today is that day.

We will be leaving for the hospital shortly because CJ has a follow up appointment with the surgeon. We will then go through the discharge information with the doctors.

Great Aunt Sue is also flying in from Ohio to help us for the week so she will be meeting us at the hospital.

I will be taking lots of pictures and will have them posted later tonight.

Thank you again to everyone for all of your support and prayers. God was definitely listening.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Chuck and I had our Apnea monitor training tonight. Hopefully we absorbed it all. The Apnea monitor is fairly compact so we can easily carry it around with us. Savannah will basically need to wear this around the clock for a month or so. I had my daily mommy time with her before work and she just seemed so peaceful. She also had her shots today so that she can be on the same schedule as CJ. She is still on track to come home on Wednesday. We can't wait :)

CJ and Ashley spent some time with our friend/neighbor Moy who has been extremely helpful since day one.

We will continue to update the site when the twins are home. It may not be as often, but hopefully a few times a week. Thank you for all of your support and prayers over the last 4 1/2 months.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Savannah passed her car seat test today with flying colors. She is scheduled to be discharged on Wednesday. Chuck and I need to have training for the Apnea monitor before she can come home.

CJ took his first bath at home tonight. We had to wait for his incision to fully heal. He really seemed to enjoy it.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Savannah is doing wonderful. I think everyone in the NICU is amazed how well she is doing considering the rocky course she has had all along. The doctor mentioned today that they are going to send her home sooner than we had expected since she is doing so well. The plan for now is to send her home on caffeine and an Apnea Monitor. Her expected discharged date is this Tuesday or Wednesday. Chuck and I couldn't be any happier.
Savannah is doing very well. They increased her feedings yesterday morning and she was able to do all 8 bottles without any problems. They took out her IV since she no longer needs any other nutrient products. They also removed her feeding tube since she is able to take all 8 bottles. Now we just need to wait and see how she does without her caffeine. She also has to pass her car seat test and then she will be good to go.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Savannah had a very good day and still has not had any desaturations. They are reducing her dose of caffeine to see what kind of effect it has on her. They are also feeding her by bottle for every feeding. She is now up to 30 mls and has been doing very well so far. Tomorrow they will increase her feedings again.
Our babies are truely miracles and evidence of Gods work. Chuck and I have looked to our faith from day one and have never questioned our faith through all of the ups and downs. On that note, I have some amazing news to share.

Savannah's nasal cannula was removed last night at 10:50 pm and she has been breathing on her own ever since, WITHOUT ANY desaturations. She also was able to take 4 bottles, but only 15 mls at a time. Once she takes all eight bottles she will be able to come home. She also has to be weaned off her caffeine. I told the doctor that I wouldn't mind making her a cup of coffee in the morning, but they did not find as much humor in it as I did. If she comes off the caffeine and does well she will be coming home without oxygen or monitors. If they can't take her off the caffeine then she will remain on the caffeine and will most likely have an apnea monitor and possible oxygen, just in case.

She also had the opportunity to meet her Grandpa Jim and Grandma Patty yesterday, which she seemed to enjoy.

CJ has also enjoyed his visits with Grandpa Jim and Grandma Patty over the past few days.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Today was a very busy day for both CJ and Savannah.

Savannah was extubated from the vent around 8:30 am and is doing very well with her breathing. She is back on the Nasal Canula with very low settings. She also took 3 bottles, however, each bottle only had 15 mls. They have to start feeding slowly after surgery and will gradually increase over the next few days.

She also had her exam which shows she has mild ROP. Basically, she may need to wear glasses at some point.

CJ also had his eye exam and passed with flying colors. No ROP present. Both will get there eyes checked again in 6 mths. as a follow up.

The doctor even mentioned to Chuck that Savannah could possible be home in 10 days or so, as long as everything continues to go well.

Thank God :)
Today is a big day for Savannah. She is currently being extubated from the vent. Hopefully she will do better this time. She is also going to have a visit from her brother CJ, who is having an eye exam across the street from the hospital later today.

CJ now weighs 6 lbs 15 ounces
Savannah now weighs 6 lbs 14 ounces

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Savannah had a decent day, but is still on the ventilator. We are hoping that they will be able to take her off tomorrow. Her incision also looked much better today.

CJ is doing well at home and loves to be held. He is definitely getting spoiled.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

We were just informed that Savannah had to be re-intubated because she was having some major breathing issues with the Nasal Canula. They now have both arms in restraints to prevent her from pulling out the tube. They are going to keep her intubated for another few days so they can manage her pain, which they believe was the major cause of her breathing episodes.

The surgeon also wants the nurses to keep an eye on her incision because the color seems to be a little off.

Please continue to pray for our sweet little Savannah.
Our sweet little Savannah decided that she no longer need the ventilator and extubated herself from the vent. this morning. When the nurse heard the bells going off she noticed Savannah waving the tube in her little hand. They quickly put her on Nasal Canula at 3 liters to help her breathe. So far she is doing ok, but is requiring a lot more oxygen than she has in the past. We are hoping this will change as her pain medicine wears off.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Savannah is in the recovery process from her surgery which will take days. She is still on the vent. and will be for a few days. She really kept the day nurse on her toes because she was constantly having to change Savannah's ventilator settings. She was up and down most of the day. Hopefully the night nurse will not have to work as hard. They are keeping her heavily sedated to manage her pain. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for our little Savannah.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The surgery went O.K.
Savannah's surgery was more complicated than Charlton's.
They had to cut an inch of her intestine out and they also took out her appendix. Jen also mentioned that the intestines adhered themselves to the liver some how. So a 2 hour surgery took more than 3 hours.
Savannah is doing well and her vital signs are good, although she is on a ventilator.
The next 48 hours are critical to make sure she doesn't develop an infection and trying to get her off the ventilator.
Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Savannah's surgery is scheduled for this morning. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. I will update the website as soon as I hear anything.
Jen is at the hospital with her.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I had a nice visit with Savannah this morning. Later in the day when I called to check in on her I was informed that she pulled off her Nasal Canula. The nurse decided to keep it off for a while to see how she does with her breathing. It is almost 10 pm and she still does not have it on. As you can imagine that is great news for us. The surgeon visited with her today to do some pre-op x-rays. Everything looks good and the surgery is still a go for Thursday.

CJ also had a very good day home with Chuck and Ashley. They took a walk around the neighborhood to get some fresh air. I think Ashley enjoyed it the most since Chuck let her ride her jeep around the block.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Savannah had a very good day and is doing well with her feedings. She is currently still on 2 bottles a day, but with less desaturations. The hospital staff is gearing up for her surgery on Thursday and has everyone in place for her recovery period. Her surgery will be a little more difficult than CJ's due to her breathing issue. However, we are confident that the staff will take good care of our little girl.

CJ had a very good night and Chuck and I managed to get a little sleep. We ended up having to take him to the doctors today because we thought he was having a post operative problem, but thankfully it turned out that we just over reacted. The good thing is we know his pediatrician will react quickly if we have an emergency which is very comforting to know.

Everything else is status quo.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

After being in the hospital for 115 days we are thrilled to say that CJ is finally home.

Before bring CJ home we spent some quality time with Savannah. She is still doing well on her Nasal Canula and is still scheduled for surgery on Thursday.

Everything else is status quo.

Please continue to pray for our little Savannah so that she too can come home.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

We had a very nice visit with the babies today. We were asked to bring in CJ's car seat so that he can be tested. The hospital requires that the baby be able to sit in the car seat for the time it would take to get home from the hospital. In our case he had to sit in the car seat for 1 1/2 hours. I was amazed how well he did. We also learned that they may be discharging him tomorrow, Sunday.

CJ weighs 6 lbs 4 ounces

Chuck was able to give Savannah a bottle which she took very well. The doctors are really trying not to push her so that she can rest for her upcoming surgery.

Savannah weighs 7 lbs 2.4 ounces