Monday, May 26, 2008

I finally got to hold Savannah today and it was wonderful. We weren't sure how she was going to do with her saturations, but during the hour that I held her she was perfect. What a great feeling to finally hold both babies. Unfortunately Chuck was not able to hold Savannah because the nurse didn't want to stress her out too much. However, he did get to hold Charlton for a bit. Charlton's saturations dropped so Chuck had to put him back in the Isolette sooner that he would have liked.

Charlton: He now was 2 lbs. 1 1/2 ounces. He was starting to gain, but then we found out he did lose 20 grams last night. He definitely has Chuck's metabolism.

Savannah: She has more of her mommy's metabolism and has no problems gaining weight. She now weighs 2 lbs. 8 ounces. Before we know it she will be hitting her 3 lb. milestone.