Saturday, December 6, 2008

Savannah and Charlton recently had their monthly doctors visit.

Savannah weighed in at 11 lbs and is 24 1/2 inches long. Charlton now weighs 13 lbs 8 ounces and is 24 3/4 inches long.

Charlton had his appointment with the Gastrointestinal Doctor on Thursday. The doctor said that he has Growth Acceleration Syndrome, in other words (GAS). We are still a little surprise because sooo much of his bottle comes up with every feeding. We are going to start feeding him more cereal and vegetables/fruits by spoon. The doctor also mentioned that he can go on whole milk. I think we are going to hold off a while on that.

Savannah and CJ also met with their Pulmonologist on Thursday. Both currently have a cold and have caused them to both have a little wheeze in their lungs. They currently are getting breathing treatments every 4 hours or so. They actually seemed a little bit better today. The doctor also mentioned the X-rays from the last visit did show scar tissue for both babies, however, it wasn't as bad as he had expected. However, he has decided to put them on a preventative steroid which they will most likely be taking for a long time. We are all to familiar with the steroids because Ashley has to take them everyday as well. I guess it's good to have some knowledge in that department. We are also very familiar with how to use a Stethoscope, which has come in handy to hear the wheeze in the babies lungs.

Savannah will also be seeing a Neurosurgeon to see what is going on with the shape of her head. Actually it really doesn't look to bad, but is a little flat on one side. Basically he will tell us whether or not she should have a helmet.

We are still amazed everyday on how well both babies are doing. They are coming up on their 8 month mark, 4 months corrected. Both babies are still so close to rolling over, it should be any day now. Savannah has also changed so much in the last month. She is much strong and can hold her head up when on her belly. She is also much more alert and just starting to babble a little bit. She also will smile at you when you give her a big smile. These are all things that CJ has been doing, but just taking Savannah a little longer. At the end of the month they meet with a team of doctors to give us a progress report on their development. Basically we will find out if they are hitting their milestones and if not, what could be happening