Monday, July 7, 2008

CJ is doing very well. He is still trying to master his feedings. Currently he takes 3/4 bottles a day which really wipes him out. They are slowly trying to increase his bottle feedings to bring him closer to his 8 bottles a day. No word on his surgery date.

Savannah had a very rough time last night and had 3 major episodes on the nasal canula. After I held her for an hour or so this morning she had another major episode and needed to be put back on C.P.A.P. The doctors have decided not to do the MRI because she is still very unstable. They actually said that they are not going to push for it anytime soon since Savannah will be in the hospital for a lot longer.

She is doing great with her weight gain and she is now at 5 lbs 3.6 ounces.