Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The 3 kids went to the Pulmonologist today. They all did well with the lungs and we are going to start adjusting some of Ashley's medicine. The babies will still be on the same steroids. They were concerned about CJ's weight because instead of gaining weight over the last month he actually lost weight. They gave us a new food action plan for him. They also want him to have the Cystic Fibrosis Sweat Test done again. This was a major concern for us while he was in the NICU and now it is a concern again. He will also be having some chest a x-ray done again. Savannah goes to the ENT on Thursday for a follow-up and to make sure the cyst in her throat didn't get any bigger. That's all for now.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Last week the March of Dimes asked us to be the 2010 Ambassador Family for our area. We will be sharing our story via newspaper, radio, various events and possibly tv.
We are also thrilled to report that Savannah started crawling last Friday. She does seem to favor one leg to push off, but this is something that the Physical Therapist will work with us on.
CJ is also doing very well. He not only sits now on his own, but also stands. I think he will be walking by the end of June. He has also learned to clap.
They also seem to be more into each other. I caught them a few times holding hands. It really is fun to watch them and how they interact with each other.