Sunday, February 22, 2009

The babies had their monthly check-up last week and CJ weighed in at 14 lbs 12 ounces and Savannah is on here way to catching up at the whooping 14 lbs. We were shocked to find out that they both had double ear infections so now they are on antibiotics. CJ also cut a tooth on 2/13 and I don't think Savannah is far behind.

The babies were due to have another hearing test, but since they have the ear infection we had to cancel.

Savannah has an appt. with a Neurosurgeon at St. Christopher's in Philadelphia tomorrow to check her head to see if she will need cranial banding. We will not move forward with it unless it is medically necessary.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Last week we had a very nice visit with Grandma Krause. The kids really enjoyed the visit. It was also nice for Chuck and I to have an extra set of hands to help us out.

We also took Savannah to see a doctor about her head shape to see if it was medically necessary to have cranial banding done or if it was more cosmetic. It was difficult to find a doctor to evaluate her, but we did find one about 45 minutes away at the Lehigh Valley Hospital. The doctor started the evaluation process with Savannah and about 1/2 way through we realized that we had the wrong type of doctor. We were suppose to go to a Neurosurgeon, not a Neurologist. I was a little annoyed because I was given wrong information when I booked the appointment. But, in light of the mistake we actually walked out of the office with a smile on our face. The doctor was extremely nice and knowledgeable. She reviewed Savannah's medical file and then proceeded to evaluate her. She said that Savannah looked wonderful for a child that had such a severe brain bleed. She didn't seem to concerned about Savannah's head shape, but said that she would find someone for us to bring her to for a second opinion. We will now be taking Savannah to a doctor in Philadelphia (2 hrs away) to evaluate her. Hopefully it will be all good news.

Now for the bad news, we are all sick with a stomach bug. Hopefully it will be quick. It sure is hard taking care of a family when you are sick yourself.

The babies will 10 mths. old tomorrow.