Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Savannah had a very good day and still has not had any desaturations. They are reducing her dose of caffeine to see what kind of effect it has on her. They are also feeding her by bottle for every feeding. She is now up to 30 mls and has been doing very well so far. Tomorrow they will increase her feedings again.
Our babies are truely miracles and evidence of Gods work. Chuck and I have looked to our faith from day one and have never questioned our faith through all of the ups and downs. On that note, I have some amazing news to share.

Savannah's nasal cannula was removed last night at 10:50 pm and she has been breathing on her own ever since, WITHOUT ANY desaturations. She also was able to take 4 bottles, but only 15 mls at a time. Once she takes all eight bottles she will be able to come home. She also has to be weaned off her caffeine. I told the doctor that I wouldn't mind making her a cup of coffee in the morning, but they did not find as much humor in it as I did. If she comes off the caffeine and does well she will be coming home without oxygen or monitors. If they can't take her off the caffeine then she will remain on the caffeine and will most likely have an apnea monitor and possible oxygen, just in case.

She also had the opportunity to meet her Grandpa Jim and Grandma Patty yesterday, which she seemed to enjoy.

CJ has also enjoyed his visits with Grandpa Jim and Grandma Patty over the past few days.