Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

The babies met with a team of specialist at Morristown Memorial in what they call their "Special Care Follow up Program." Charlton passed with flying colors and even showed them how he could roll back over after being on his stomach. This was the first time he had done that. They said he is functioning at a 4-6 mth level. (He is currently 5 months corrected) Savannah was measured at a 3-4 month level. She is not yet rolling over like her brother so they gave us some positioning techniques to work with her on. They also want us to change her formula back to Neosure to get the extra calories. We are also going to be scheduling an appt. with a Neurosurgeon to look at the shape of her head to fit her for a helmet. Lastly, she will also need to see an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist to scope her throat to see if there was any damage done to her vocal cord. She may have done some damage when she extubated herself shortly after her operation back in the NICU. She does make some sounds, but it is very quiet and no where near as loud as her brother. They will go back to the Special Care Follow up team in 2 months to be re-evaluated. Also, they will then get their hearing tested again. For the month of January CJ will be seeing another GI doctor for his gastro problems and then they will both be meeting the Opthamologist again for eye exams.