Monday, April 28, 2008

Savannah's respirations still seem to be up and down, but not as much as yesterday. Her feedings are now up to 3mls and she seems to be tolerating it. They did another head ultrasound on her today, but we still have not heard any news on that. Hopefully one of the doctors will fill us in tomorrow. At this point they are looking to see if she develops water on the brain, which would then require a shunt (not even sure what that is).

Charlton's latest x-ray of his lungs seemed to look a little better than earlier today. However, the collapse is still there. They are slowly decreasing his supplemental oxygen. He was at 50 - 60 % last night and is currently at 30%. This is very important because they want to put him on a different machine, but they need to get this number down and get him more stabilized. They have increased his feedings to .7 ml continuously every hour.

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