Monday, May 5, 2008

Both Savannah and CJ had a fairly decent day.

CJ: Is still having problems with his lungs and it appears by x-ray that the right lung is still collapsed. He is still doing well with the lower settings on the conventional ventilator. He is now 1lb 10 oz which is actually the same as Savannah.

Savannah: She is doing very well on the C.P.A.P and we are being optimistic that she will continue to do well on it. She also weighs 1 lb. 10 oz. They had to stop her feedings a few times yesterday due to the reserve of "green stuff" that was in her belly. However, as of late last night they were going to start feeding her again 2 ml and hour.

Today we will be getting new results of Savannah's brain bleed and are praying for a miracle that it has disappeared. We will also be attending a class tonight that explains life in the NICU for the family. I guess we are in for the long haul. Most babies that are in the NICU stay in the NICU until their due date. My 40 week due date would have been July 29th. We are just hoping and praying that they will be able to get well enough to come by then.

We have also found a wonderful "MicroPreemie" group online that has been extremely supportive and has been able to answer a lot of our questions since they have been or are currently in the same boat as us.

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