Saturday, June 21, 2008

I had a nice visit with the babies early this morning because I needed to be back in time for Chuck to go to work. The advantage of being at the hospital in the early AM hours is that no one else is around.

I was only able to hold Savannah for about 15 minutes because she was having some major desaturations. Her primary care nurse is concerned with the volume of desaturations since she was getting better and now it is getting worse. They are going to run some blood work on her again in the morning to see what is going on.

She is now 3 lbs. 14.4 ounces (almost at her 4 lb. milestone)

I spent about an 1 1/2 hours holding CJ this morning and he was awake for must of our time together. He did very well with his breathing for the entire time I held him. The nurses also fed him a bottle today which he handled very well. Overall, CJ is doing very well. Much better than everyone expected him to do.

He now weighs 3 lbs. 13.2 ounces. Pretty soon he is going to pass Savannah in weight.

Please keep Savannah in your prayers.
She really needs for her lungs to heal and to remember to breathe.

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