Monday, September 29, 2008

Well the babies both recovered from having the rotavirus. However, we ended up having to bring Savannah to the ER for something completely unrelated. While getting Savannah ready for her bath last night I noticed about a 1 inch laceration underneath her armpit. The plastic lead from her Apnea monitor was pretty much embedded in her skin, which cause a major infection. Luckily she didn't have to spend much time in the hospital and was released later that night with oral antibiotics as well as antibiotic cream. I never thought we would be in the hospital for something like this. Savannah never showed any signs of discomfort, but I have to admit it looks really bad. Hopefully this will heal quickly without any further problems. Since she is basically wrapped in guaze we now have a problem with putting new leads on her to monitor her breathing. Right now we are improvising with a pulse ox machine that alarms when her oxygen level drops.

Charlton is back on the new formula. However, I am not impressed so far. He is still seems to be very uncomfortable after every feeding. Not to mention hungry about two hours later.

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