Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Yesterday we took the babies in for Upper GI's and a Swallow Test. Both did very well. We were shocked to learn Savannah has reflux. She spits up, but not too much. CJ on the other hand has very bad reflux and the test didn't show anything for him. We will see a GI doctor to discuss at a later date.

Savannah also had her appt. with the Orthopedic Doctor. Again, she amazes us. After 3 people noticing the scoliosis and the x-ray showing it with a measured curve, the Orthopedic could not see any problems. He said if she did have a 17% curve he would have sent us to another specialist to decide whether she should be having surgery to insert bars or to have a full body cast. Thank god....we do not have to make that decision. She will have x-rays again in 4 mths to monitor.

Savannah and CJ are both very close to rolling over. Just this week Savannah has made so much progress with her strength and has been holding her head up and came so close to rolling over tonight. They both did very well with the Sweet Potatoes and are now eating Carrots. Next week we will try the Squash.

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