Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sorry for such a delay in updating the site. Just prior to Christmas the babies had their monthly doctors appointment. We were surprised to find out that CJ hadn't gained any weight for the entire month. Chuck and I attribute this to his reflux that the doctors say he does not have. We are going to another GI in January to see what they think. Savannah has moved up on the weight scale and is now 13 lbs, where CJ is still 13 lbs 8 ounces. They are starting on level 2 foods this week, which includes things like Chicken and beef. The doctor still seems concerned about Savannah's spine even though the specialist said he didn't see anything. This has us a little concerned just because the treatment would need to be very aggressive, rods in the back and or body cast. We would really hate to put her through any of that. We still continue to pray for both of them.

We are also proud to report that CJ rolled over for the first time on December 23rd. Since then he has been rolling everywhere. However, it can't seem to figure out how to roll himself back so he gets frustrated very quickly. We are hoping Savannah will be rolling over soon as well, although she doesn't seem too interested in it.

They both go for a Special Care follow up on New Year's Eve at Morristown Memorial where they will meet with a team of specialist to check on their milestones or any alarming issues. We are hoping/praying to come home with a good score card.

Happy New Year to all.

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